Saturday, November 2, 2019

What is the Aero Vinyasa? Aerial Yoga Teacher Training,

aerial yoga teacher training
What is the Aero Vinyasa?
Meet the Dynamic Version of AeroYoga®.
Discover today what the practice of AeroVinyasa consists of, what are its origins and benefits and what is a class of Vinyasa AeroYoga®.

This article is part of the ongoing training of AeroYoga Institute, accredited by YACEP (Continuing Education Provider) of Yoga Alliance.

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Aero Vinyasa is the dynamic variant of the AeroYoga® method, developed by Rafael Martínez since the past decade.

1-Vinyasa Aero Yoga®, Benefits, Origins.

The Vinyasa AeroYoga is inspired by a more dynamic type of yoga than the traditional one, Asthanga Yoga, taught in Mysore, South India, developed by the teacher Sri Pattabhi Jois.

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Vinyasa is a dynamic yoga, a version with fewer rules than Asthanga, specially adapted for Western mentality and customs, which accentuates aspects such as effort and action.

Rafael Martínez, through the AeroYoga® Institute, has designed the AeroYoga® method in its Vinyasa Aéreo © version (AeroVinyasa: Working on the force of gravity on the swing and with the suspension), drawing inspiration from the movements and sequences of Vinyasa Yoga and Asthanga Yoga.

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2 · Aspects that work in AeroVinyasa.

Traditional Vinyasa and Vinyasa AeroYoga® coincide in the work of all these aspects simultaneously where benefits and development of Strength, Balance, Resistance, Elasticity, Breathing, Detoxification, Relaxation, Consciousness are obtained.

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3 · Key differences of AeroVinyasa® compared to traditional Vinyasa.

In traditional Vinyasa the work and effort in the exercise as well as the weight of the body falls to the lower train (legs).
For its part, the upper body should remain open, creative and conscious.

The key difference of AeroVinyasa® with respect to is that with the help of the swing we divide the effort into the upper and lower zones.

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Thus, effort and creativity are distributed equally in different areas of the body in constant and simultaneous conscious activation of the abdominal center and pelvic floor.

That is why it is such a complete exercise. AeroVinyasa exponentially increases the strength of the arms, hands and core (abdominal center and activation of the pelvic floor), which has a direct impact on the health and well-being of the spine, neck, and joints of the shoulders, neck, hip and knees.

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4 · More on the origin and influences of Vinyasa AeroYoga ©:

Sri Pattabhi Jois was a student of Iyengar and Desikachar (which originated another aspect, the Viniyoga).
In the 80s Jois taught American students this tendency of yoga and it is thanks to the enthusiasm of the latter that its more Anglo-Saxon side, Power Yoga and Vinyasa, has become the most practiced yoga in the US.

The AeroVinyasa® in turn is inspired by the traditional dynamic yoga bases of Vinyasa and Asthanga having in common:

A) Synchronization of breathing and movement.
B) Series and dynamic and static sequences:
Inspired by Asthanga Vinyasa arises from Korunta Yoga that already described a dynamic sequence of 4 postures.

In the Aero Vinyasa the series of movements cause the practitioner a progressive sensation of liberation.

3) L’Ujjaji: the energizing breath.
It is a technique of guttural breathing continuous and simultaneous to the exercise that ensures proper ventilation and optimal energy management, as well as the elimination of toxins.

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If you want more information or get certified with the AeroYoga® method, contact us by
Whatsapp + 1 787 6921840

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aero yoga teacher training

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