Thursday, October 31, 2019

Aerial Yoga Teacher Training, Acro, Cardio, Aerobic, Strength, Endurance...With Acrobatic AeroYoga

Acrobatic AeroYoga® is the most physically and mentally demanding method of AeroYoga (aerial yoga).
Developed by Rafael Martinez since the past decade, it is dedicated to increasing strength, endurance, self-awareness, proprioception, coordination and psychomotor skills.

Watch the video presentation here

Hello! I am Rafael Martinez, creator of the AeroYoga® method. Today we present the variant of the most physically and mentally demanding AeroYoga, the acrobatic AeroYoga.

Acrobatic AeroYoga® is one of the variants of the AeroYoga® system focused on the most colorful and spectacular postures, without detriment to the development of inner consciousness in relation to the environment (proprioception).

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Who is this practice aimed at?

AeroYoga® Acrobático is aimed at students with extensive experience in AeroYoga in their middle and basic levels and practitioners of asthanga yoga, hatha yoga or advanced acro yoga. Also ideal for practitioners and professionals of artistic gymnastics, classical and contemporary dance, acrobatics or climbing for example.

The AeroYoga® thanks to its progressive teaching system will allow the student to experience postures and acrobatics, from lower to higher grade, for everyone. 

The important thing is a serene and progressive practice. Unhurried and guided by a certified Aero Yoga and Aero Pilates International teacher.

What techniques have influenced the development of this method? 

Apart from Hatha Yoga, Asthanga and Creative Yoga©, one of the great bases of the method is Mallakhamb rope.

It is a combination of traditional yoga and aerial gymnastics with ropes that has its origin in the twelfth century in Mumbai. This practice includes fabulous stunts and is famous in India for helping to gain agility, strengthen the mind and coordination of the body, which makes it a real integral fitness.

How much does breathing influence the AeroYoga® Acrobatic? 

How should this be during the exercises? 

We say that for AeroYoga® breathing is placed before the swing itself as the main tool.
We use breathing as a physical element to generate concentration, the sensation of cellular 'nutrition' and also as an essential creative element in the practice of AeroYoga® Acrobatic for a practice safe.

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On a physical level, weightlessness favors the release and isolation of each zone of the respiratory system, which favors the work of conscious breathing.

On the other hand from the creative point of view: Just as an artist uses painting to create a painting, a mural, AeroYoga® uses breathing as the main material for the development of creative abilities in the student.

The first exercises consist of working the body in a certain way with techniques so that the mind is silent and gives priority to body expression with full awareness of the exercise, even if it is demanding.

The game of the body, the breath and the mind in AeroYoga® allow the student to "disconnect" and then "reconnect" and strengthen the body-mind dialogue.

Thanks to specific exercises specially conceived for this purpose, and which have proven their effectiveness with hundreds of positive experiences, the effect is always palpable and often surprising.

What is an AeroYoga class like?

An AeroYoga acrobatic class lasts 60 minutes, in which breathing and postural correction are protagonists. Also included, for greater enjoyment, aromatherapy, music therapy and lithotherapy (AeroYoga differs in that it also uses elements external to the swing such as elastic bands and weights, as well as, in relaxation, (hot stone therapy) hot stones with aromatherapy).

If you want more information or get certified with the AeroYoga® method, contact us by
Whatsapp + 1 787 6921840

When and where you want !: Now you can train in distance aerial yoga with AeroYoga®, we send you the swing home. Tutor available while you train and all at half price regarding face-to-face training ... Click on

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aerial yoga teacher training

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